Monthly Archives: July 2021

Delica Photoshoot with Rims
Even with the rain, we still took our Delica out for a drive! Not only that, but during the photoshoot we also changed the rims as well! This new model is the MID/Nitro POwer M10 Pershing, with the one in the photo being a 16 inch size. Another variation is the MID/Nitro Power M28 Bullet

Another Prado at Sabae Branch
We not only has the current Prado model, but also the previous models! We just dressed it up a bit to make it more stylish~ Currently on display at Mclimb/Weed Sabae Branch. Feel free to come by for a visist!

Lycani Trailer
The Lycani trailer has moved! Originally at our Tsuchiyama branch, we’ve moved it to our main branch showroom. You can see what a difference having the trailer hitched behind the Surf has. It can also be fitted on other 4×4’s too! Just let us know which car you have and we will check for compatibility.

Jimny Sierra Custom Request
Our customer asked our staff at Sabae branch to install tire house lights on their Jimny Sierra: And after we’re done… We also installed air cleaners~ Built in winker on the side mirror~ If you have any other requests, feel free to come by for a free consult!

WARLOCK Front Grille
We finished customizing a request from one of our customers! This customer found us during the Delica Fan Meeting and asked us to fit the WARLOCK Front Grille and Position Lamp Garnish on their Delica D5. Here are some pictures on the process: The family was ecstatic to see the finished product! For any customization

Machoman in the House
Good day from our main banch! We have our usual Instagram Live later on (all in Japanese), but for now, let’s re-introduce one of our staff… San-chan or Santosh-kun goes to the gym after work everyday, so now… he became a macho-man! That sleeve looks like it’s about to burst… don’t flex too hard lol

Prado Body Parts
We’ve been looking at the prices of petrol lately and it’s quite expensive. On the high priced end it costs around 156 yen… We hope the prices will drop back down soon. For today’s feature, we have the MCLIMB Complete + Prado on display at our Tsuchiyama Branch! Fully kitted with the Mclimb Original body

Successive Land Cruiser Prado!
Mclimb/Weed Sabae Branch here! July brings the typhoon heat into Japan, so we hope you’re all taking care of your health to not catch a cold or fever. Now for the main event: the Prado’s lined up in front of our Sabae Branch! We have these classic Prado’s on display along with our other Hilux

Tsuchiyama’s Delica
Typhoon season is here, but we are still customizing and delivering awesome Delica’s left and right! We are still deciding how to customize these Delica’s…. should the one of the right be done with our WARLOCK body kit, or in BK Style? Look forward to the reveal in our upcoming blog soon! We will also

Clean Up in Progress
We cleaned up our store’s back yard at our main branch last month! This means better directions to the toilet and no more messy storage-feel when you open the back door too. It’s still messy here and there, but we’ll get it in top shape in no time. The next scheduled clean up area is