Category Archives: Mclimb

Learning Something New
Working at our latest Sabae branch, Sakamoto-san had noticed something new and surprising. While the rims are a bigger size than he was used to, he never noticed the white letters on the tires. He thought it was painted on later, but it’s actually white rubber on the actual tire! It’s his first time seeing

New Employee at Sabae Branch
Nice to meet you! My name is Tahata-san. There are many things I still have to learn, but I look forward to seeing you all at our shop!

Completed Custom for Mr. Y’s 185 Surf
Mr. Y requested our BK interior package custom and we delivered! Now his interior looks as sleek as the exterior of the 185 Hilux Surf. Next on his list: lift up custom! We look forward to your next request~

The JEPPESEN is Finished!
Welcome back to our Tsuchiyama branch! Just last week, we finished customizing the JEPPESON! Let’s take a look: After a good few weeks and many parts, it’s completed. The final part we kitted was the muffler. From this muffler… To these ones! It gves a more slid feel to the awesome jeep. After a few

Introducing Store Goods
We sell cars, but that’s not all we have. We also have our Mclimb Weed Store Goods! Starting with the Weed stickers: They’re 550 yen each and has 3 types: black, matte black, and white (it’s a bit difficult to see but it’s there). Next we have the car air freshener: Costs 550 yen and

The 2 Tone Surf
At our Sabae branch, our 2 Tone Surf is on display for you all to see! View from the side… Along with the 2 Tone Color feature, it of course has been lifted up and kitted with new rims and tires. The 4-prong dual W muffler was also kitted. If you’re in the area, feel

Lift Up Suspension
At our garage, we regularly handle customers’ requests for lift up on their 4×4’s. This includes fitting suspension coils! From the genuine Land Cruiser suspension coils to our original Mclimb lift up suspension coils~ Just the gold color of the coils give a more sophisticated feel to the custom. With this high quality suspension lift,

Land Cruiser Prado MBK Style
As the weather gets warmer, we’ve had to adjust a few things, but the popularity of our Prado remains the same. Check out or MBK Style for the Land Cruiser Prado 150 series! From the front grille to the rims, everything is new and Mclimb originals~ It even has lift up suspension kits and over

The Delica’s Interior
Our Tsuchiyama Branch is specialized in the Delica D5’s interior as well as its exterior. Check out these pictures: The leather seat covers seat covers over the original fabric seats give a more sleek feel to the ride. We have the leather seat covers available in black with silver stitches, giving a high quality look.

Kitting the WARLOCK on the Delica
Let’s take a look behind the scenes at how the WARLOCK body kit goes on the Delica D5: Here you can see our managers carefully kittiing the over fenders on the D5. The matte black body kit with the white body color makes it even more eye-catching. You can place an order for the WARLOCK