Monthly Archives: August 2022

Weed head office.
I feel that the weather has finally cooled down recently.I slept without an air conditioner last night.The 185 Surf, which has the same color and style as the 198 Tacchan-go, has been completed at the head office.It has almost the same specifications as Sutekiyankoto Tacchan’s favorite car, the Surf. 4runner style・Dean/Silver/16AW・BFG/235/85/16・2 inch lift up・New fender

wood decal
Weed head office.It’s been raining a lot lately, and it’s damp, hot, and damp.In the midst of this, a car with wood decals was completed yesterday at the head office. ・XC styleTOYOTA grillDoor visortube stepDean White to BFG/AT/265/75/16Of course, it has been lifted by 2.5 inches.I put a wood decal on it.Does not come off

Delica Custom Weed Sabae store.
Today, I changed the grill of Delica D:5 and installed the gokubuto.It will be a picture after completion suddenly,·whole ・Dealer option blackout grill ・Dealer option blackout fog lamp garnish ・Dealer option blackout clearance lamp garnish ・Autoflags Gokubuto R? ·whole If it is a dealer option, it will be glossy black.We are waiting for your custom

X-COVER2.0 + Hilux Sruf
I’m back from summer vacationI hope you have a good rest, and I will do my best again full of energy, so please do not hesitate to contact me.By the way, a customer who purchased a Hilux Surf from us recently purchased iKamper’s “X-COVER2.0” and immediately went camping, so we received a wonderful letter. .

price cut
Weed head office.Miki City, where the Weed head office is located, has been very sunny and hot.This is good news.We sell Delica leather seat covers and Hustler leather seat covers at a special price. ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ Delica D: 5 exclusive leather seat cover for the previous termIt’s black with silver stitching and is very cute.For 7-seater/8-seater.It

Popular full custom specifications
This is Weed Tsuchiyama store.August is already halfway through the Obon holidays.The Tsuchiyama store will be closed for summer holidays from August 15th (Monday) to August 18th (Thursday).We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.Now then, I would like to introduce some of the most popular specifications for Delica. WARLOCK / full custom specification on

Rough wheels on lumpy tires
“There must be many people who started summer vacation yesterday.”All of Weed’s stores are open for business Death!Summer holidays are as follows:From August 15th (Monday) to August 18th (Thursday).Well, sales of new car completes are going well, thanks to you.Surfing is synonymous with weed, but the new Land Cruiser and Hilux are also popular.More than

150 Prado complete model
Weed head office.Introducing the 150 Land Cruiser MC complete model. [MC complete content]・17 inch AW・BFG/285/70/17・2 inch lift up・Differential down block・Grill BK paint・35mm over fender・Dual muffler/rear piece・Radar adjustment・Back lamp relocation・Front camera・Side camera・Back camera・Clearance sonar・7 inch navigation ・BTC・Leather seat cover・Combi steering・Floor matAll come standard It is a weed original specification that can not be found anywhere.The presence

Gacky tire replacement volume
This is Weed Tsuchiyama store.It’s extremely hot todayJust going outside makes you sweat.Make sure you are properly hydrated and have enough food and sleep.The other day, Gacky from the Tsuchiyama store changed the tires of the display car.Despite the heat, they worked hard while getting drenched in sweat. The next day, his back was sore,

Tacoma style…215,
Weed head office.Well, it rained and thundered yesterday, but today is very hot.I was surprised by the thunder yesterday and fell aloneNow let’s get to the pointOne of the 215 Surfs on display at the main store from today has a Tacoma-style grill. It’s made of matte material, and this netting looks cool. This light